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Tuesday, 7 February 2012


Wishes that on occasion life would do me the courtesy of being a lot less complicated!

'Compiclatia' , a lesser known ailment afflicts at least 10% of the human race is one of the most horrid of ills. 

No matter how hard a sufferer strives to be nice, do the right thing or conduct themselves with a modicum of decency it is a racing certainty that somehow it will become complicated!

It matters not that our intentions are for the best, be it charity or trying to entertain and inform it seems someone or something will always cause complications!

Sunday, 1 January 2012


Well it stared early, we had a show on until two am. 
The morning started with finally catching up on some NABD paperwork and filing thanks to Kim and Wendy.
Now it’s time to relax, eat and drink too much and watch footy on the telly for a bit then an evening with the girls and Tom.
I didn’t make any silly new years resolutions, I normally break them within hours and then feel guilty for days. I’ve decided to deal with each day as it happens and try and be nicer to people, even the annoying ones.
Bring on 2012, lets see what it has to offer!